作家の想い (writer's thoughts)


※タイトル 『 風                                                               この作品は、よく「写真ですか?」と尋ねられる。

モノトーンでしか表現したくない。                                   1990年代後半、川の畔に存在した建物である。                                  もう建物は存在しないが、充分すぎるものを私は頂いた。…感謝です。そして…原点です。                                                        @  風童子 (2023年8月)

[first picture]

* The title "Kaze"

This work is often asked, "Is it a photo?"

The first work I drew was the title of F20, "Wind".         

The motif is almost monotone, and I don't want to express it with too many colors. This is a building that existed on the bank of a river in the late 1990s. I met him when I was riding a 50cc bike in a place I rarely go. …I burst into tears. And I fell in love with this building. The building no longer exists, but I received more than enough. …Thank you. And... the origin.                                                                                        fudoushi (August 2023)                 


※ タイトル  『 戻り橋 』






この絵は、舞妓を描くきっかけになった作品である。る。     風童子(2023年8月)


[Picture memory]

*Title: Return Bridge

 The scenery I remember from 60 years ago.

An old pencil, an eraser, and a piece of straw paper that you receive when you go to nursery school. The things I always draw are the battleship Yamato, the Zero fighter, and the Grumman.

Then there was the sound of dry clapboards played by the old man at the picture-story show and the sweet and sour orange jam. And sticky starch syrup.


..60 years later, I am now drawing a maiko.

This painting is the work that inspired me to draw maiko.

fudoushi (August 2023) 


※タイトル 『 夏越しの風 』  詩仙堂 (京都)



やっと、市の絵画教室で学べたのは、40歳過ぎ。           建築パースと油絵は、違うようでどこか似ているようにも感じたのはグリザエルに出逢ってから。



「想いを描ける」…それで、充分。          …風童子(2023年8月)



* Title: "Natsugoe no Kaze" Shisendo (Kyoto)

"Until now, I've been mostly self-taught in painting."

The first time I thought "I want to paint with oil" was when I was taking a walk after getting married and having my eldest daughter. Suddenly, an oil painting set and a canvas caught my eye. But I gave up on it because I was so busy with work every day.

After that, he became independent and opened an architectural office. … The rush was spurred on.

"It wasn't until I turned 40 that I was finally able to study at the city's painting class."                    Perspectives and oil paintings are different, but I felt that they were similar in some way after I met Grisael.

A senior painter who graduated from university taught me how to paint using the Grisael method.

Currently, I am grateful to be blessed with people and friends who look up to him as teachers and seniors.

"I can draw my thoughts"...that's enough. 

        …fudoushi (August 2023)                           


※タイトル 『 縫いの篝火 (秋田・西馬音内盆踊り)


「風童子」とは、世阿弥の「風姿花伝」の考え方をベースにし、俳人種田山頭火の精神から自ら命名したニックネーム。           「本来の生活ための糧」から解き放たれた自分でありたいための、別人格の名です。


かつて、柳田国男や矢切止夫の民俗学を貪るように読んでいた時期があった。そのままである。                             …風童子(2023年8月)



*Title: "Bonfire of sewing" (Bon Odori in Nishimonai, Akita)

"Fudoushi" is a nickname that he named himself based on the idea of Zeami's "Fushikaden" and from the spirit of the haiku poet Tanzantoka.                              

This is the name of a different personality that wants to be oneself freed from the "food for the original life".

What I think about while walking in Kyoto is that various ethnic groups such as Kan'ami and Zeami, the Hata clan's immigrants, Izumo no Okuni, and the Izumo tribe were gathered here, formed, and fused together to develop culture.


There was a time when I was voraciously reading the folklore of Yanagida Kunio and Yagiri Tomoo. As is.          ……fudoushi (August 2023)




※タイトル 『 祇園雀』









【from now】

*Title: "Gion Sparrow"

   A maiko I interviewed recently said happily, "She could dance the sparrow dance this year, which she should have given up on because of the coronavirus pandemic. It was a dream."

  On July 24, 2023, she was dancing beautifully at Yasaka Shrine.

  At a certain age, they graduate from maiko and become geisha.  

  For maiko, they take care of you in a house. When it comes to becoming a geisha, she is one. Everything is on your own. It is also strict.

  "I'm 67, too." At the end of the day, I want to see the world through my own paintings.

  Whether it works or not is up to you. How to live is questioned.

                                fudoushi (August 2023)